Now we have a question for some of you:

Why is it people like Ernesto ‘Che' Guevara are seen as revolutionary freedom fighters? People are comfortable with seeing him and wearing his face on t-shirts and putting up posters when Guevara's first position in the new Cuban government was that of commander of La Cabana Fortress in Havana . There he had jurisdiction over the notorious "war criminals" trials, which allegedly resulted in the execution of 600 civilian and military officials.

Here are some of his quotes:

"We must carry the war into every corner the enemy happens to carry it, to his home, to his centers of entertainment: a total war. It is necessary to prevent him from having a moment of peace, a quiet moment outside his barracks or even inside; we must attack him wherever he may be, make him feel like a cornered beast wherever he may move. Then his moral fiber shall begin to decline, but we shall notice how the signs of decadence begin to disappear."
- Che Guevara, Message to the Tricontinental

"In a revolution, one triumphs or dies."
- Che Guevara (farewell letter to Fidel Castro; dated April 1, 1965)

"The great lesson of the guerrillas' invincibility is taking hold among the masses of the dispossessed. The galvanization of the national spirit; the preparation for more difficult tasks, for resistance to more violent repression. Hate as a factor in the struggle, intransigent hatred for the enemy that takes one beyond the natural limitations of a human being and converts one into an effective, violent, selective, cold, killing machine. Our soldiers must be like that; a people without hate cannot triumph over a brutal enemy."
- Che Guevara (message to the Tricontinental; 1967)

”Our every action is a battle cry against imperialism, and a battle hymn for the people's unity against the great enemy of mankind: the United States of America . Wherever death may surprise us, let it be welcome, provided that this, our battle cry, may have reached some receptive ear, that another hand may be extended to wield our weapons, and that other men be ready to intone our funeral dirge with the staccato singing of the machine guns and new battle cries of war and victory.”

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